Tuesday, April 28, 2009

brought to you by gallup woodworking!!!

and I helped a little. Mostly I just say what I want and Eric brings it to life - how lucky am I?? Anyways - I found this idea HERE. If you have time, look at all of them, they're awesome. We already had an extra door, so it was an easy choice for me. Eric added a little crown and the shelves and voila - one headboard - $15!! I just need to find some cool lamps now. If you really wanna see something cool look at this that I just found the other day.


Gallup Family said...

The headboard looks great! One of these days we'll have to put our orders in for what we want ;) That last website you mention is like something out of Alice and Wonderland. The stuff reminds me of Jonathan and Jaime's wedding cake.

bulldog said...

How Cool is that!!!!!!!!!
Love the idea.

Unknown said...

Turned out awesome!!

the h fam. said...

WOW that's cool!