Monday, January 12, 2009


Not that I've been trying not to read Twilight, but somehow vampires just don't sound as interesting to me as the rest of the world I guess.

However, I now find myself with the book on my sofa; bookmark on page 8.

I want to pretend I'm in love with it because I feel like the rest of you may be disappointed if I'm not, but I can't lie; it's just not the I-can't-put-you-down book I was hoping for yet. I know, I know, it's only page 8, but I'm kinda having a hard time picking it back up. *shrug*

someone who loved it, please help me out here . . .


bulldog said...

Sorry. I can't help you either. I felt the same way. The only difference is I did read all of the series, only because my foot was broke, I was bored, and couldn't get around much.

I do like vampires stories but this one was a little to young for my taste.

Gallup Family said...

I hate when things get built up so much and then you watch/read them and are disappointed. I've been wanting to read those books but haven't gotten around to it. Let me know if you keep it up and if so how good they are :)

Amber said...

I have to be honest, I love the series. But it's because of the love story between Edward and Bella, not because of the vamp stuff. I have to agree with bulldog that it's definitely a young story but once you get into it you just have to finish. You gotta know how the story ends! Read it Beck!

Unknown said...

All I have to say is I wish I'd never read the last book. It was a TOTAL let down. In my opinion. But that may be because I was pulling for Jacob. I liked the others though.