Wednesday, September 2, 2009

every mom knows . . .

when it's quiet, something's not right.

Really not right when you find out your son knows how to open the dishwasher (granted the door wasn't latched).

But even more not right when you find him sitting on the dishwasher door licking the dirty spoons. gross.

But hey, nice to know that a dishwasher door can hold 22 pounds without breaking. So far.

that's flour all over his pants, by the way. He's already dumped the bucket today. For the second time.


Unknown said...

Yeah. That's gross. But that's better than finding him playing with a steak knife I guess.
Yay-less than a week and your family will be reunited at last!!!

Gallup Family said...

What a cutie! Adrianna has learned how to dart for the fridge when the door is open. So my fridge is pretty empty from about halfway down just to prevent any unnecessary messes.

Amber said...

He's so stinkin cute! I love Braxton! And he keeps you on your toes! That's awesome about the flour bucket! HAHAHA...

janet said...

FEED THE KID!!! the poor thing having to resort to licking dirty dishes. ha